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Partner with Russell & Roots!

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to showcase your brand at the Russell and Roots Concert Series.

Secure your sponsorship now and let’s make history together!

Join us in an unforgettable celebration of music and community at the Russell and Roots Concert! This highly anticipated event brings together acclaimed artists, passionate fans, and influential brands for two nights of soul-stirring performances and unforgettable memories. As a sponsor, you have the unique opportunity to align your brand with this incredible concert experience and connect with a diverse and engaged audience.

Why Sponsor The Russell and Roots Concert Series?


with a passionate audience of music lovers

Stand Out

among competitors with a unique brand presence


your brand with renowned artists and the power of live music


your community involvement and brand reputation


with industry professionals and like-minded sponsors

Want to learn more? Get in touch!

If you have any questions at all, customizations, or want to confirm your sponsorship with our team, please reach out!